Centennial connects the communities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington, and Lino Lakes through its nine exceptional schools.
Centennial students consistently perform at the highest levels in all academics, athletics, and activities.
By providing high quality educational opportunities, emotional support, and social development, Centennial School District prepares learners for excellence in their future.
6,536 Students
Centennial has over 6,500 students across five elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and alternative educational choices.
Five Communities, One District
Centennial is the only public institution to bring together communities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes.
High Open Enrollment Rate
Over 1,000 students open enroll in the district annually.
Centennial offers engaging learning opportunities, emotional support, and social development to each of our students to help them prepare for whatever is next and beyond. As a result, 92% of resident students choose Centennial.
Get Involved
Volunteer in our schools, attend events--from supporting Cougar sports and activities to attending events at our elementary schools--or enroll in a community education course. Welcome to our schools!
News & Announcements
Congratulations to the Centennial Middle School speech team who placed second in the Eden Prairie Finals. The students earned outstanding placements in each category.
Local legislators, city and county leaders, staff, and student representatives attended the district's legislative breakfast, hosted by the Centennial School Board.
Sign up your child, ages 3-5, for Centennial High School's FREE Cougar Cubs Playschool. Activities are planned and implemented by Centennial High School Child Psychology II students, under the supervision of their teacher.
Check out the Community Education offerings. There's something for everyone! Registration is now open.
Spotlight is on Tyler Cook, North Metro TV's Student of the Month. Catch the interview with Tyler and Coach Diggins.