Application Information
This application form is for current second, third and fourth grade Centennial School District students attending Centennial School District. All current Centennial School District second, third and fourth grade students are screened for enrollment in full day gifted programming.
Application Process
This form submission *IS* your application. If you have further questions on this application or submission, please contact Carolyn Ruhnow at
Placement Information
Information regarding placement criteria is available on the Centennial School District website. Placement Participation Agreement for the 2025-2026 school year will be sent to families upon receipt of completed application. Accepted students must have Participation Agreement on file to be registered for the full day programming.
Transportation is offered to Odyssey Program participants who live within the Centennial School District boundaries. Once student Participation Agreement is on file, transportation information will be provided. If eligible, student can register for transportation at that time.
Siblings of students attending the full day gifted programming may attend Rice Lake Elementary through in-district transfer if space is available in the receiving grade level classrooms. Please contact Wendy Schroeder ( with questions regarding in-district transfers.
Odyssey, Level 4 full day programming for highly gifted students, is based on ability and achievement data. All Centennial students are administered the Cognitive Abilities Test at grades two, and four. All Centennial students in grades two through eight take the FASTbridge reading and FASTbridge math test in the fall and spring of each year.