Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH is dedicated to providing education and training to young adults with disabilities through an innovative workforce and career development model that benefits the individual, workplace, and community. The program’s primary goal is to secure competitive employment outcomes for each of its student graduates.
Medtronic Project SEARCH Information Session
Think you have what it takes to be a Project SEARCH Intern in the medical device industry? As the first company in Minnesota to launch Project SEARCH in 2009, Medtronic has provided a unique opportunity for Project SEARCH students to contribute to the company’s mission of “Alleviating pain, restoring health, and extending life.”
Imagine an internship where you can improve the lives of people every second! Applications will be accepted in January 2024 for 2024-2025 internships. Check back for more information. Questions? please contact Karen Aalund at 763-505-0677 or by email,