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Outside Organization Guidelines

Purpose and Function

An outside organization (ex. education foundations, booster clubs, parent-teacher organizations, and similar entities) is defined as an organization that is formed to help support the efforts of a student activity or athletic team. Support is shown in many ways, including volunteering, supporting, and fundraising.

Outside organizations play a key role and this document establishes guidelines and communication expectations. In addition, this is a tool to clarify procedures and rules to build a successful relationship. The District does not approve the posting of photos and/or information on websites, communications, or social media for any events held during the school day or instructional time by the outside organization.

  • Have a mission: Your mission statement should define who the outside organization is, why you exist, who will benefit from your work, and what your core priorities and activities are.
  • Choose a name: Check for name availability and reserve your name with the Minnesota Secretary of State –
  • Enlist and Elect a Board of Directors: Officers should include at least a President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Legal Compliance

Each outside organization will remain in good standing with State and Federal Laws to be recognized as an “Outside Organization” by the District.

  • Obtain a Federal Tax ID #: Organizations must be incorporated before applying for a Federal ID # (EIN). When opening bank accounts, you will be asked to provide your EIN.
  • Complete your Articles of Incorporation: The articles establish the existence of your new nonprofit organization.
  • Develop your Bylaws: How your outside organization will run on a day-to-day basis is defined in the bylaws. The roles of the board members are explained and the rules of how they will operate are defined in the bylaws.
  • Incorporate as a Nonprofit Organization: File your Articles of Incorporation with the Minnesota Secretary of State. This can be done online and there is a small fee.
  • 501(c)(3) – Income Tax Exempt: A 501(c)(3) is a specific type of public charity that has gained permission from the IRS to raise money from the public for an approved purpose and is exempted from paying federal income tax. Applications and annual filings are required. Form 1023 must be filed.
  • Charitable organization: An organization that solicits or intends to solicit contributions from Minnesota residents in excess of $25,000 is required to register with the Charities Division of the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office.
  • Financial Oversight: Finances should be open to 100% of all members. The treasurer's report should contain all transactions approved. At no time should a paid individual have check writing authority.
  • Dual Review/Approval: At least two people must authorize and sign any check. At least two members should tabulate all funds collected.
  • Bank Deposits: Deposits should be made timely.
  • Tax ID: Outside Organizations may not use the District’s tax ID or tax-exempt numbers.
  • Procurement: All purchases must go through the School District (see purchasing section). Outside Organizations should not purchase equipment independently.
  • Approval: After approval, the organization should donate the funds to the District, specifying its purpose. The District will then complete the purchase of the agreed-upon equipment and/or supplies. All equipment and supplies must be shipped to a School District address.
  • Payment: The form of payment must be in a check made payable to: Centennial School District 12 and include the invoice number.
  • Ownership: When supplies and equipment are purchased from donated funds it becomes the property of the District.
Additional Guidance for Activity Booster Clubs:


  • Adhere to the mission and purpose of the group.
  • Volunteer time and raise money.
  • Contribute funds to better enhance the organization.
  • Financially support the programs.
  • Listen and work closely with the principal/director/program lead.
  • Discuss as official business any item that meets the definition or function as outlined on the previous page.
  • Get permission from the family prior to using any student’s photo in publications (web, electronic, print).


  • Openly discuss or perform a performance review of the head coach or coaching staff.
  • Review the performance of a coach funded by the Booster Club; staff evaluations are solely the responsibility of the School District.
  • Openly discuss playing time issues.
  • Connect funding to playing a role in hiring or firing of coaches or directors.
  • Offer up a petition to members to hire/fire a coach.
  • Plan, organize, or attempt to implement an off-season training program without direction or consent from the head coach.
  • Discuss as official business any item that does not meet the definition and function as outlined.

  • All transportation, fees, and equipment purchases must be approved by the head coach and the Director of Athletics and Activities.
  • The Athletics and Activities Office will bill Booster Clubs for any bus transportation that exceeds the District budget.
  • The Athletics and Activities Office will bill Booster Clubs for any fees for tournaments or games that exceed the given District budget.
  • The Athletics and Activities Office will bill the Booster Club for the salary compensation reimbursement for any coaching/advising positions that are funded by the Booster Club and for supplies/equipment that exceeds the District budget. All donations must be submitted to the Athletics and Activities Office prior to ordering.
  • The Activities Office cannot give out the School District tax-exempt number. Sponsors making donations must follow the above process for purchasing equipment.

  • Fundraising is a necessary part of activities today. We are very thankful for the efforts of parents, and outside organizations.
  • Be aware that membership on a team and/or playing time is not affected in any way by the amount of money raised by a participant.

  • The head coach is responsible for all facets of the end-of-season awards banquet and may delegate these responsibilities to the Booster Club, however, the program and the agenda must be approved by the head coach.
  • The awards given out at the banquet are the sole responsibility of the head coach.
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited at these banquets.

  • The Athletics and Activities Office must approve all advertisements in printed programs for District events. Please email or fax a copy of your ads for approval prior to printing.
  • The Athletics and Activities Office reserves the right to pull programs that are not consistent with District values.

Captain’s Practice
  • No coaches – paid or volunteer – can supervise the captains’ practices per MSHSL guidelines.
  • Captains’ practices may be scheduled up to two weeks before the start of the season.
  • Adult supervision is required at all captains’ practices, but student participation should never be mandated or required.
  • Reservation requests of district space for captain’s practices should be initiated from the respective Booster Club to Anne Thomas ( in Community Education.

Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) Basics
  • Coaches are allowed to work with their teams only during the designated MSHSL season and the summer waiver period.
  • Booster Club members may not recruit or encourage athletes from another school to transfer to ISD 12.
  • Booster Clubs and Outside Organizations are prohibited from paying for a student-athlete's sports participation fee or for fees to attend a camp or clinic.
  • Visit the Minnesota State High School League website for more information at

You may also download this information at the link below.

Guidelines for Outside Organizations