District Literacy Plan
To support every child reading at or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual learners and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized reading goals in order to meet grade level proficiency, a school district or charter school must adopt a local literacy plan that describes how they are working to meet that goal. A district must update and submit the plan to the commissioner by June 15 each year Minn. Stat.120B.12, subd. 4a (2023). With the purpose of assisting districts and charter schools, the Department of Education has developed this Local Literacy Plan template. The Local Literacy Plan must be approved by the Superintendent and posted to the district or charter school’s website annually.
Centennial Public Schools is devoted to ensuring that all students are grade-level proficient in reading. We realize that all students are unique and that each arrives with certain literacy capacities. For example, some Kindergarteners know letter names, some read fluently, and some are beginning to develop print awareness.
Our mission is to prepare students for life through academic, emotional, and social development. We believe literacy is the cornerstone of this mission. Therefore, the ability to read and use language has a direct impact on student learning, the ability to demonstrate standards’ proficiency, and the quality of our students’ lives.
We believe that the core curriculum and the tiered interventions we have in place provide an excellent way for our students to achieve the goal of grade-level proficiency. Our ongoing commitment to excellence in teaching and learning to ensure reading proficiency for all students is grounded in:
Ongoing assessment of each student
2020 Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in English Language Arts
District/School Improvement Planning
Classroom curriculum and materials (research-based, implemented and revised through a curriculum review process)
Research-based teaching and learning practices
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
Link to Centennial Local Literacy Plan for 2024-2025