Student Usernames
Student usernames: last two digits of graduation year + first 5 letters of first name + first 5 letters of last name
* Usernames are based on full names recorded in Campus student portal. Duplicate names may include a number to make it unique.
Student Email Address (Middle and High School Students Only)
Student email address: new username (shown above)
Kindergartener Paul Smith: Username: 37paulsmith Full Username:
6th Grader Julie Johnson: Username: 31juliejohns Full Username:
Senior Jonathan Anderson: Username: 25jonatander Full Username and Email address:
* If either name has less than 5 letters, the entire name would be included.
* Google and Schoology Usernames require to login
Password Information
Elementary Students: Please contact the school office
Middle School Students: Students are required to change their passwords at 6th grade. When entering 6th grade, the default password is reset and available from the school office. 7th and 8th grade passwords remain the same and can be updated at any time (instructions below).
High School Students: Password remains the same and can be updated at any time (instructions below).
* Students should answer their challenge questions and change their password to something unique right away.
Password Management
All students can recover or change their password at any time. In order to make this option available, students must answer 3 challenge questions to identify themselves for a password reset or change. You can set these up and manage your ID at
Initial Login to Accounts
To initiate all of your accounts, you must visit and synchronize your password. Please note that none of your accounts will be activated until this is completed. Use any computer or flash based mobile device to access.