District Policies & Procedures
Centennial’s policies were reviewed and are now in alignment with those of the Minnesota School Board Association. During the review process, current policies were revised and renumbered, some policies were repealed, and others were changed from policy to procedure. If you have any questions about policy, please contact Jody Josephson, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at 763-792-6010 or jjosephson@isd12.org.
- School District (Series 100-199)
- School Board (Series 200-299)
- Administration (Series 300-399)
- Employees/Personnel (Series 400-499)
- Students (Series 500-599)
- Education Programs (Series 600-699)
- Noninstructional Operations and Business Services (Series 700-799)
- Buildings and Sites (Series 800-899)
- School District - Community Relations (Series 900-999)