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Adopted:      12/15/14          
Revised:      4/18/16; 9/18/17; 4/22/19; 9/19/22           


The purpose of this policy is to establish opportunities for staff development which advance the staff’s ability to work effectively with the Graduation Assessment Requirements and with students as they progress to achievement of those Graduation Assessment Requirements and meet the requirement of the federal law.


The school district is committed to developing staff policies and processes for continuous improvement of curriculum, instruction and assessment to ensure effective implementation of the Graduation Assessment Requirements and the federal law at all levels.


A.    The District Staff Development Committee (the “Committee”) shall address the needs of all staff in prioritizing staff development which will ensure effective implementation of the Graduation Assessment Requirements and the federal law at all levels.  The Committee will advise the school board on the planning of staff development opportunities.

B.    The school district shall place a high priority on staff development including activities, programs, and other efforts to implement the Graduation Assessment Requirements effectively and to upgrade that implementation continuously.

C.    Staff development plans for the school district shall address identified needs for Graduation Assessment Requirements implementation throughout all levels of the school district programs.

D.    In service, staff meeting, and district and building level staff development plans and programs shall focus on improving implementation of the Graduation Assessment Requirements at all levels for all students, including those with special needs.


A.    Paraprofessionals. The school district will provide each paraprofessional who assists a licensed teacher in providing student instruction with initial training.  Such training will include training in emergency procedures, confidentiality, vulnerability, reporting obligations, discipline, policies, roles and responsibilities, and building orientation.  Training will be provided within the first 60 days a paraprofessional begins supervising or working with students.

Additionally, with regard to paraprofessionals providing support to special education students, the school district will ensure that annual training opportunities are required to enable the paraprofessional to further develop the knowledge and skills that are specific to the students with whom the paraprofessional works, including understanding disabilities, the unique and individual needs of each student according to the student’s disability and how the disability affects the student’s education and behavior, following lesson plans, and implementing follow-up instructional procedures and activities.

B.    Teachers/Administrators

    The school district will provide high quality and ongoing professional development activities as required by state and federal laws.    

Legal References:    Minn. Stat. § 120B.02 (Educational Expectations and Graduation Requirements for Minnesota’s Students)
Minn. Stat. § 120B.11 (School District Process for Reviewing Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement; Striving for the World’s Best Workforce)
Minn. Stat. § 120B.363 (Credential for Education Paraprofessionals)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.16 (Qualified Teacher Defined)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.60 (Staff Development Program)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0640-3501.0655 (Academic Standards for Language Arts)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0700-3501.0745 (Academic Standards for Mathematics)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501 (Academic Standards for the Arts)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0900-3501.0960 (Academic Standards in Science)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1200-3501.1210 (Academic Standards for English Language Development)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1300-3501.1345 (Academic Standards for Social Studies)
20 U.S.C. § 6301, et seq. (Every Student Succeeds Act)

Cross References:    MSBA/MASA Model Policy 104 (School District Mission Statement)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 601 (School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 613 (Graduation Requirements)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 616 (School District System Accountability)