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Application Timeline

Application Timeline for the 2025-26 School Year (Grades K-12)

Applications will be accepted starting Nov. 1.

Window 1
  • Application deadline: January 15*
  • Notification will be mailed: January 30
  • Enrollment deadline: February 14
  • Lottery/School placement date: February 28
Window 2
  • Application deadline: February 14
  • Notification will be mailed: February 28
  • Enrollment deadline: March 14
  • Lottery/School placement date: April 1
Window 3
  • Application deadline: March 14
  • Notification will be mailed: April 1
  • Enrollment date: April 15
  • Lottery/School placement date: May 1
Window 4
  • Application deadline: May 15
  • Notification will be mailed: May 30
  • Enrollment deadline: June 13
  • Lottery/School placement date: June 27

*Note: January 15 is the statutory application deadline for students coming from non-desegregation districts. If any of the dates indicated fall on a weekend, the last work day prior to that date will be the deadline.

Applications received after May 15

Applications received after May 15 will be processed based on space availability. Acceptance is into the district and may not be specific to a school site. Families will be notified by mail once specific school placement decisions have been made.

Application Approvals

Applications are approved in order of priority on a space-available basis. Application priority is given in the following order:

  1. Sibling: If the student's sibling/s currently attends the requested school.
  2. Employee: If the student's parent/guardian is employed by the Centennial School District.
  3. MDE: Approved achievement and integration school choice plan.
  4. Space: If space exists in grade level of requested school.
Priorities Used for Placing Students

Enrollments will be determined based on available space. School placement decisions will be made at the end of each application window.

If the district receives more applications than it has available seats at a particular school and grade level, a lottery will be used to determine which students, who applied within the application window, will receive seats, regardless of the date of application. Lotteries will be conducted consistent with the application priorities as indicated above.

Students not receiving a seat through the lottery will be offered on of two choices:

  • Accept second choice or third choice of schools as indicated on the application (or another choice if space is available). Once committed, a family cannot make a repeat request for their first choice of schools, even if space becomes available.
  • Request that the student's name be put back in the lottery pool for the next application window. Applicants will not have a guaranteed seat in their other choice/s of schools.
Lottery/School Placement Information

Lottery/school placement dates are February 28, April 1, May 1, and June 27. Families of selected students will be notified by phone and U.S. mail. Alternate names will be selected on these designated dates in the event a family no longer wishes to enroll.

Applications are looked at individually by grade and not by family. There is the possibility that not all students in the same family will be approved.

The Statewide Enrollment Options application process is governed by the Minnesota Department of Education Enrollment Options Program (Minnesota Statute 124D.03) and school board policy.

Approved Students

Approved students who enroll do not need to reapply in subsequent years. Once enrolled, students remain enrolled.
Applications need to be completed for siblings not currently attending Centennial Schools.

Resident District Notification

Copies of the approved applications are mailed to the Enrollment Options Office of the resident district.

Application deadlines and approval guidelines